Our mission is to contribute value to the principal-buyer relationship, by offering a prompt comprehensive response to ensure delivery of cost-effective quality components to all our customers. Our focus is on delivering engineered success for all our clients. “We listen, we solve, we deliver!”

About Exact Component Technologies

  • Over 60 years committed to engineered component sales
  • Supports over 18 different industries
  • Represents custom product lines for eight manufacturing companies
  • Strong sales support throughout New England, NYC and Long Island, and Eastern NY State

We know exactly how to manage custom component projects to deliver the greatest value and lowest total cost for all your projects.

Exact Component Technologies (ECT) is a manufacturers’ representative/marketing services company specializing in custom manufacturing for engineered components and raw material products. Custom product lines include investment, impact extrusions, and plastic injection molding. Recognized for our solid and consistent sales performance, ECT is proud to be partnered with a group of manufacturers who provide the highest quality solutions for component manufacturing and are recognized as the industry leader in their respective fields. With principal company relationships spanning four to almost thirty years, ECT has the manufacturing expertise to recommend the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for component manufacturing. We stay involved from the design stage through product delivery, and frequently monitor the project’s status to confirm accurate and timely delivery. With over 60 years of collective manufacturing expertise, the ECT management team knows how to direct their clients to the right manufacturing process. Serving 18 different industries, the company understands the engineering challenges of the most complex component applications.

Since its founding in 1963 in CT, the company has continued to strengthen its New England presence. We foster a service-oriented philosophy that complements our 60-plus years of technical expertise. The end result is excellence in meeting our customers’ needs and expectations.